The 5 Paragraph Essay Format
The First Paragraph:
Three Body Paragraphs:
Conclusion Paragraph:
More About Thesis Statements:
Always Use Academic Prose:
I will grade all your course work, in part, on how well you apply the following requirements to your writings:
Do not use contractions.
Do not use first-person pronouns such as "I" "me" "my."
Do not use second-person pronouns such as "you" "your" "yours."
Do not engage in personal stories, meaning stories of your own life experiences, or the experiences of friends, family, and so on.
Do not begin sentences with conjunctions: but, and, or, nor, for, so, yet.
Do not pose any questions in any assignments. This means, quite literally, not to use questions. Write sentences in the form of statements instead.
Do not quote the bible or make allusions to religion in any way.
Avoid any form of direct address to the reader, such as "think about the fact that . . ."
Avoid too casual of a prose style, such as sentences that begin with words like "well, sure, now, yes, no."
Do not use phrases such as, "a lot," "lots" or "lots of," which can usually be replaced with one of the following words: many, most, much, often.
Do not use exclamation points, for they are almost always unnecessary.
Periods and commas should be inside of quotation marks, but other forms of punctuation go outside of quotation marks.
Do not use the word "okay" when words like "acceptable" could be used instead.
Do not use the word "nowdays," "nowadays," or any slight variation thereof.