Essay 2 (150 Points)
(connections essay)
Due Date:
General Guidelines:
Page count: 4 full pages minimum
to 5 full pages maximum, plus a works cited page.
Hand in all drafts that have led
up to this essay, both in-class and out-of-class writings.
Hand in copies of all books/articles cited
in this essay. (For each book, turn in a minimum of 10 copied pages, making certain to
copy all the pages from which you have quoted. For articles, hand in the entire article.)
Use MLA style in accordance with
class lectures.
Use the formatting guidelines on
the course syllabus.
Make certain that the essay has
a thesis.
Remember to include a colon in the
essay's title.
You are writing about the Lawrence Lessig essay,
"Privacy as Property" (in your Speculations book).
- Go to the library and locate one secondary source, meaning a book or an article, that
relates to the Lessig article.
- You will use this secondary source in Essay 2, which means you will quote from it to support your argument.
Devise your own thesis and argument.
Of course, there will be much class time devoted to
discussing this essay. I will assist you during peer revisions and am also available for questions
via E-mail abd office hours.
Due Date: