Examples of Common Works Cited Page Citations Example of a
work in an anthology: � Joyce, James.
�Araby.� Literature: Craft and Voice. Vol. 3:
Fiction. Ed. Nicholas Delbanco
and Alan Cheuse. New York: Mcgraw-Hill, 2010. 86-89. Print. � Examples of books
by a single author: Anker, Susan. Real Essays with Readings:
Writing Projects for College, Work, and Everyday Life. 3rd
ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin�s, 2009. Print. � Ryan, Marie-Laure. Possible
Worlds, Artificial Intelligence, and Narrative Theory.
Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1991. Print. Example of a book by multiple editors: Tannen, Deborah, and Roy O. Freedle, eds. Linguistics in Context: Connecting
Observation and Understanding. Norwood: Ablex,
1988. Print. Example of an
article in a journal (use this for PDF files): Ryan, Oliver, Russell Greaney, S. Gerard
Jennings, and Colin D. O�Dowd. �Description
of a Biofluorescence Optical Particle Counter.�
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy
& Radiative Transfer 110.14-16 (2009):
1750-54. Print. Example of an
article in a journal (use this for html/full-text files): Ryan, Oliver, Russell Greaney, S. Gerard
Jennings, and Colin D. O�Dowd. �Description
of a Biofluorescence Optical Particle Counter.�
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy
& Radiative Transfer 110.14-16 (2009): Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 Aug. 2009. NON-SCHOLARLY SOURCES: Example citation
for a Work Cited on the Web:
Example citation
for a Work Cited on YouTube:
NOTE: MLA now suggests
that the inclusion of a URL in works cited page citations is optional, for
the title of the source, such as �5
Things Your Car Will Finally do in 2020,� will enable anyone to locate
the source. Still, it is a friendly move to provide our readers with a URL. |