Examples of the types of citations you
may encounter for your annotated bibliography Example of a work in an anthology: Camp, Jean, and Y.T. Chien. “Making Cyborgs, Making Humans.” Speculations An Anthology
for Wynn Sivils, and Constance Squires, eds. Example of a book by a single author: Ryan, Marie-Laure. Possible Worlds, Artificial Intelligence, and Narrative Theory. Example of an article in a journal (use this for pdf files): Jahn, Manfred. “Frames,
Preferences, and the Towards a Cognitive Narratology.” Poetics Today 18.2 (1997): 441-68. Example of an article in a journal (use this for html files): Jahn, Manfred. “Frames,
Preferences, and the Towards a Cognitive Narratology.” Poetics Today 18.2 (1997). ProQuest
<http://80-proquest.umi.com.argo.library.okstate.edu/>. Example of an article on microfilm and microfiche: Savage, David. “Indecency on Internet Faces High Court
Test.” |