����������� Discussion
are no direct points earned from turning in discussion
questions/observations; however, this one of the factors assessed in
determining students� participation grades. Basically, these
are assignments, so failure to participate by turning them in on time will
result in a reduction of the participation grade. This goes to the issue of
being consistently prepared for class.
you are absent from class these are the only types of
assignments where you do not lose credit for failing to turn them in.
read the homework and the activities at least once class ahead on the syllabus.
assignments must be typed, and are not accepted late.
Handwritten discussion questions/observations earn zero credit. When the
assignment is typed it demonstrates that it was
prepared before class.
the discussion question/observation is over an article, click on the link under
homework, read the article, and print a copy of the entire article.
your discussion question and turn in the article and your
discussion question/observation on the discussion day, stapled together in the
upper left hand corner, with your discussion question/observation on top.
Be prepared for a class discussion
on the discussion day.
I will not remind students to
turn in these assignments. Simply leave them in one pile on a desk near the
front of the room, and I will pick them up at the end of class.
All other late or missing course
work incurs a late penalty, as per the syllabus.
If the discussion
question/observation is over a video clip, then only the typed discussion
question/observation is due on the discussion day.
Discussion questions/observations
need not be uploaded to TurnItIn.com.