Individual Research
Project Presentation (6%)
Dates will take place during the last few weeks of the semester, as
this semester everyone was required to turn in a Research Proposal, subject to
my approval.
your assigned presentation date, you will be expected to speak for ten minutes
on your approved topic.
ten-minute presentation is followed by a five-minute question and answer
period. Once the presenter takes a question, the clock stops on the
presentation. The question/answer period does not count toward the ten-minute
presentation time.
objective is to persuade your audience to your point of view, and inform them
about your topic.
that everyone is researching something different, and the information you offer
will undoubtedly be new to most of your peers.
Prior to the beginning of class on the
day of your presentation, you are required to do an electronic by e-mailing it
to me as an attachment. It should be a works
cited page of the sources engaged on the day of your presentation. The works
cited page should consist of three journal articles from your annotated
bibliography. This is part of your grade, and the standard late penalty applies
for late turn-ins.
not to read from a prepared script. Rather, you should approach your
presentation as though you are speaking extemporaneously. Notes are certainly a
good way to go.
����������� You will be graded on the following
How to structure the presentation:
your audience a brief background on your topic: 1 to 2 minutes.
on to a sense of the current scholarship. Explain what you discovered that
scholars are debating about: 1 to 2 minutes.
move on to your argument. Ultimately, your presentation is meant to be
persuasive. Convince us that your viewpoint/argument is the best way to view
the debate/controversy you have discovered in scholarship: 6 to 8 minutes.
Very important:
is NOT your objective to give a presentation that is merely informative. Your presentation
is meant to be persuasive, so that your approach should be similar to your
upcoming essay 4, which is an argumentative paper over this same topic. In
effect, you must state the thesis from your essay 4.
ten minute presentation will be followed by a 5 minute question/answer period,
where students in the audience will ask questions of the presenter.
expect everyone in the audience to jot down two or three questions to ask. If
no one asks a question then I will call on a random student. If I call on you
and you are unprepared, then it will have an effect on the participation grade.
It is NOT your objective to give a
presentation that is merely informative. Your presentation is meant to be
persuasive, so that your approach should be similar to your upcoming Argumentative
Research Paper� over this same
topic. In effect, you must state the thesis from your upcoming Argumentative
Research Paper.�