John Stevens

Temple College

English Department

207-B Berry Hall

2600 South First Street

Temple, Texas 76504-7435

Office: 254-298-8399

Liberal Arts: 254-298-8596

Fax: 254.298.8614





Oklahoma State University.Ph.D.(incomplete) in 17th Century British Literature. 48 credit hours beyond Master�s Degree.



Creighton University.Omaha, Nebraska.M.A. in English Literature, concentration in Creative Writing.



Felician College.Lodi, New Jersey.B.S. in English.





Temple College, 2600 South First Street, English Department, 207-B Berry Hall, Temple, Texas 76504-7435, 254-298-8399/8596, from 08/2009 to present. Interned with then Communications Department Chair, Susan Guzman Trevi�o during Spring 2010 semester, to assume position of department chair in Fall 2010. Teaching English Composition courses.


Oklahoma State University, 205 Morrill Hall, Stillwater, OK 74078, 405-744-9474, from 08/2000 to 05/2009. Teaching English Composition, Literature, and Internet-based English Composition Courses.


Northern Oklahoma College, 1118 W. Hall of Fame, Stillwater, OK 74078, 405-744-2246, from 01/2005 to present. Teaching English Composition and Literature courses.


Institute of Reading Development, 222 W. Ontario, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL, 60602 800-964-9090, summers 2003, 2005, 2006. Taught reading, speed-reading, increased memory and comprehension skills, and a note-taking system. Also underwent intensive teacher-training course.




Autumn 2010:


         English Composition I, two Internet sections, Temple College

         English Composition I, two sections, dual-credit, Temple College, taught at Belton High School.

         Communications Department Chair.


Summer 2010:


         English Composition I, two Internet sections, Temple College

         Continuing duties as Co-Interim Communications Department Chair



Spring 2010:


         English Composition I, three Internet sections, Temple College

         English composition II, two sections, Temple College: one Internet, one dual-credit taught at Belton High School


Autumn 2009:


         English Composition I, two sections, Temple College

         English Composition I, two sections, dual-credit, Temple College, taught at Belton High School.

         English Composition II, two sections (one Internet), Temple College

         Temple College Writing Center Tutor.


Summer 2009:


         English Composition II, Internet course offered through Arts & Sciences Outreach, Oklahoma State University



Spring 2009:


         English Composition II, three sections, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition II, Internet course offered through Arts & Sciences Outreach, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition II, three sections, Northern Oklahoma College.


Autumn 2008:


         English Composition II, three sections, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition II, Internet course offered through Arts & Sciences Outreach, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition II, two sections, Northern Oklahoma College.

         Introduction to Literature, one section, Northern Oklahoma College.


Summer 2008:

         English Composition II, Internet course offered through Arts & Sciences Outreach, Oklahoma State University


Spring 2008:


         English Composition II, three sections, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition II, Internet course offered through Arts & Sciences Outreach, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition II, three sections, Northern Oklahoma College.


Summer 2007:

         English Composition II, Internet course offered through Arts & Sciences Outreach, Oklahoma State University


Spring 2007:


         English Composition II, four sections, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition II, Internet course offered through Arts & Sciences Outreach, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition II, three sections, Northern Oklahoma College.


Autumn 2006:

         English Composition I, three sections, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition II, Internet course offered through Arts & Sciences Outreach, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition I, three sections, Northern Oklahoma College.


Summer 2006:

         Reading Classes, eighteen sections, Institute of Reading Development, Chicago, Illinois.

         English Composition II, Internet course offered through Arts & Sciences Outreach, Oklahoma State University


Spring 2006:

         English Composition II, Internet course offered through Arts & Sciences Outreach, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition I, three sections, Northern Oklahoma College.


Autumn 2005:

         English Composition II, three sections, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition II, three sections, Northern Oklahoma College.


Summer 2005:

         Reading Classes, twenty sections, Institute of Reading Development, Chicago, Illinois.


Spring 2005:

         English Composition II, two sections, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition I, two sections, Northern Oklahoma College.

         Basic Composition, one section, Northern Oklahoma College.


Autumn 2004:

         English Composition II, two sections, Oklahoma State University.


Spring 2004:

         English Composition II, two sections, Oklahoma State University.


Autumn 2003:

         Shakespeare II, two sections, Oklahoma State University.


Summer 2003:

         Reading Classes, twenty two sections, Institute of Reading ���������������� ����������Development, Chicago, Illinois.


Spring 2003:

         English Composition II, two sections, Oklahoma State University.


Autumn 2002:

         Introduction to Literature, Oklahoma State University.

         English Composition I, Oklahoma State University.


Spring 2002:

         English Composition II, two sections, Oklahoma State University.


Autumn 2001:

         English Composition II, two sections, Oklahoma State University.


Spring 2001:

         English Composition II, two sections, Oklahoma State University.


Autumn 2000:

         Writing Center Tutor, Oklahoma State University.


Spring 2000:

         Introduction to Creative Writing, Creighton University.





Temple College Communications Department Chair from Spring 2009 to present. The Communications Department consists of the English and Foreign Language Departments.


         Scheduling all courses and sections; deciding which courses to offer, how many sections, and whether they should be traditional, hybrid, or Internet based.

         Staffing all courses with full-time and adjunct faculty.

         Classroom observations and evaluations of full and part-time faculty each semester.

         Year-end-performance-reviews of full and part-time faculty.

         Make tenure recommendations/extension of probationary period.

         Responsible for Communications Department budget, distribution of funds, additional funds requests.

         Work with Temple College Dual-Credit Coordinator to ensure proper offerings for dual-credit partnerships.

         Handled student complaint issues.

         Developed departmental standard syllabi and curriculum vitas to comply with Texas Bill HR 2504.

         Maintain course cartridge updates to English Department D2L shell, so that much teaching material is available to instructors.

         Spring 2010: revised all English Department syllabi, so as to create standard syllabi to facilitate parity of policy in multi-section courses.

         Spring 2010: Requested listserv to improve transparency and communication with the English Department.

         Spring 2010: Internalized standard department English 1301, Composition I, Pre-Assessment and Post-Assessment by moving it to D2L system, so as to better comply with SACS reporting.

         Spring 2010: Required Web-enhancement of all English 1301, Composition I courses at Temple College.

         Spring 2010: Received permission from independent filmmaker Robert Greenwald to use any and all of his documentary films for educational purposes in the English Department.

         Spring 2010: Worked with TC Vice-President, Mark Smith, to revise D2L blogging tool.

         Spring 2010: Worked with TC Webmaster Joe Teakell to update English Department Web pages.

         Spring 2010: Established departmental step-by-step procedure for instructors to comply with various forms of academic dishonesty.






  • Presented: �Cutting Instructors� Workloads with MS Word Tools, Methods for Training Students in MS Word, and an Overview of Open Source Materials.� April 15, 2010.
  • Attended: Using TConnect to update 3 Click Rule Required Class Information, April 14, 2010.
  • Attended: �D2L Quizzes I & II,� April 9.
  • Attended: �Microsoft Office 2007,� Temple College, January 19.







         Temple College Distance Education Committee

         Temple College Reading Specialist Hiring Committee



2006 � 2009:

         Oklahoma State University: Tutor/Mentor program�mentored writing center tutors every semester.


         Oklahoma State University: Tutor/Mentor program�mentored a writing center tutor during Spring and Fall semesters.





         Oklahoma State University: Lecture on fundamentals of building websites for use in teaching more interactive courses.

         Oklahoma State University: Tutor/Mentor program�mentored two writing center tutors during Spring semester.



         Oklahoma State University�Personnel Search Committee, graduate student representative.Responsibilities include participation in the following: evaluation of 65 applications for position of new faculty member to teach 16th Century Literature; phone interview process; preparation of various documents and reports to Personnel Search Committee; design ballot and oversee balloting process; communicate with graduate students in person and via E-mail; oral and written report to faculty members prior to their balloting process; attend various meetings and colloquia.

         Director of Composition Program, Elizabeth Grubgeld, cites my syllabi as models for First Year Composition.Peer training in website design and web-syllabus design.




         Oklahoma State University: Led session and gave a lecture on pedagogical approaches to teaching the research process to Composition II students.

         Oklahoma State University: Tutor/Mentor program�mentored a writing center tutor during Fall semester.

         Assisted Comp program director during CLEP grading transition to Latent Semantic Analysis format.




         Oklahoma State University: Cross Visitation Program.



         Oklahoma State University: English CLEP exam grader.



         Oklahoma State University�Teacher Observation Program. Lecture to incoming students: fundamentals of writing college level papers.





         Oklahoma State University: Complete design of English Composition and Literature courses, including assignments, grading, syllabus, and course materials, for both traditional classes and Internet-based English Composition course offered through cooperation of English Department and Arts & Sciences Outreach. Educated students in reading, writing, and critical thinking skills through English Composition and Literature courses. Improved reading speed and comprehension by two to threefold. Resolved problematic grammar issues related to sentence-level errors. Established, revitalized, and increased students' self-confidence in their abilities to believe in themselves and succeed. Achieved graduate student level of scholarly research and documentation skills in accordance with Modern Language Association style guidelines. Extensive emphasis on individual conferences with students, so as to serve in the role of advisor. Maintained office hours above and beyond the standard requirements for increased availability to students.


         Institute of Reading Development: Taught students from every age/grade level from preschool through college, including adult professionals already in the workplace. Completed high-level teacher-training program. Handled eight to twelve classes per week with extensive travel, both in-state and out of state. Clocked students' initial reading speed on the first day of class, and maintained records of achievement during speed reading classes. Taught note-taking system and techniques to enhance comprehension and memory skills, so as to better understand and better remember what they read. Resolved issues regarding parental concerns. Employment at this position was summers only, 2003, 2005, and 2006.


         Northern Oklahoma College: Educated students in reading, writing, and critical thinking skills through English Composition and Literature courses. Improved reading speed and comprehension by two to threefold. Resolved problematic grammar issues related to sentence-level errors. Established, revitalized, and increased students' self-confidence in their abilities to believe in themselves and succeed. Achieved graduate student level of scholarly research and documentation skills in accordance with Modern Language Association style guidelines. Extensive emphasis on individual conferences with students, so as to serve in the role of advisor. Maintained office hours above and beyond the standard requirements for increased availability to students.





  • Very familiar with D2L, BlackBoard, and WebCT. Extensive experience with the development and teaching of Internet-based courses. Much use of technology in the classroom. Personal website utilized in teaching of courses. Course materials are available to students 24/7.Website contains links to lectures, assignment prompts, syllabus, MLA Style Guidelines, and links to research tutorials. I encourage prospective employers to visit the site @
  • Have administered CAAP/ACT test each semester between Fall 2006 and Spring 2009.




Book reviews:

         Joseph Loewenstein, The Author�s Due: Printing and the Prehistory of Copyright. Marlowe Society of American Newsletter, Vol. xxiv, No. 2, Fall 2004.


  • The Chair Academy 2010 Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 15-18, 2010
  • �Practical Applications of MS Word 2007 in the College Classroom.� ELA College Readiness Teacher Collaborative Symposium. Temple, Texas, January 22, 2010

CONFERENCES (Literature)

  • �Prison Narratives and the Restoration Drama: Wycherley�s Representations of Women,� 2003 SCMLA, English III Regular Session: Restoration and Eighteenth Century.Hot Springs, Arkansas. (October 31, 2003)
  • �The Rhetorician Speaker in Crashaw and Carlyle: Meditative Poetry and Meditative Prose,�2003 South Central Renaissance Conference, Kansas University, September 19, 2003
  • �The Rhetorician Speaker in Crashaw and Carlyle: Meditative Poetry and Meditative Prose,� 2002 South Central Renaissance Conference, Emporia University, Emporia Kansas.(paper accepted and scheduled for September 2002, but entire conference was cancelled at last minute�rescheduled for 2003 conference)
  • "The Waning Disruption of Authorial Voice: The Influence of Joyce in Brian Moore and John McGahern," The Creighton Conference on Language and Literature, Omaha, March 2000.

CONFERENCES (Composition and Rhetoric)

  • "Aristotle�s Rhetoric: An Ambiguity of Context," CCCC, Minneapolis, 13 April 2000.

PRESENTATIONS (Creative Writing)

  • "On the Jersey Side� Oklahoma State University CWA Reading Series, Stillwater, Oklahoma, Spring 2001.
  • �Primates and Dandelions,� Missouri Valley Reading Series, New Voices, Omaha, Autumn 2000.
  • �Paradine and the Stone Mansion,� Missouri Valley Reading Series, New Voices, Omaha, Spring 2000.




Bedford-St. Martin�s Honorarium for review of Real Essays with Readings, 3rd.ed.


University Teaching Assistantship, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma.


Simon & Schuster Honorarium in acknowledgment of contributions (as research assistant) to Bridget Keegan of Creighton University.Senior Acquisitions Editor, Carrie Brandon, Prentice Hall.


����������� University Research Fellowship, Creighton University.


Man of the Year Award, gift of Alumni Association, Felician College, Lodi, New Jersey.


����������� Outstanding Achievement in English Award, Felician College, Lodi, New Jersey.


Excellence in English Award, Felician College, Lodi, New Jersey.


��������� Felician College scholarship, Lodi, New Jersey.




  • Modern Language Association
  • Milton Society