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Animal Rights, Horses and the Great Plains:
An Annotated Bibliography
Caitlin Foster
Academic affiliation: Oklahoma State University
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Barringer, Mark. "Take Down Flag & Feed Horses." Environmental History Durham. 4.3 (1999): 448.The facts that people involved with the United States National Park Service all like to carry on legacies and want to inspire other men and women to carry on in their own line of work is largely discussed in this article. They feel very passionate about the land and animals and want others to feel the same. Park life and services are also mentioned in great detail bringing up family history within the parks, and what memories were made. This essay is for someone trying to find the background information on people dealing with the woods, nature and park life.

Brock, Peggy Dyer. "Equestrian program repairs boys' spirit." Corrections Today 64.6 (2002): 12. It is the small victories that motivate her, like watching a boy overcome his fear of heights and climb up on a horse or fielding questions from a previously disinterested boy who can no longer hide his curiosity. Volunteers are credited for providing a place for troubled young boys to learn a new trade and hobby. The boys attend a class once every other week for an hour and 45 minutes. These boys happen to be members of a mental health juvenile corrections school. The volunteers try to bring up the spirits of these boys by giving them a little self-confidence. This is a very uplifting article and would be for anyone interested in helping others.

Gladitz, Charles. Horse Breeding in the Medieval World. Portland: Four Courts P, 1997. 115-27. It is generally accepted that the domesticated horse was not known in the southern part of peninsula in the earlier of these period, although a people who belonged to the culture that expanded from the lower Volga, which had known the domesticated horse from the 5th millennium, began to infiltrate the southern peninsula in the period c.3500-3000 BC. It is distinguished from where the different groups of horses originated from and if there were a large number of them. There is a great deal of reference to Aristotle and the method of breeding in Eastern Europe in the medieval times. This would be an excellent book for a person interested in the medieval era.

Heald, Aimee D. "The Horse Barn: Important Foaling Reminders." Countryside and Small Stock Journal Waterloo. 87.1 (2003): 77. The growing process of a baby horse, which is also called a foal, is taught in this article. The article teaches the three steps of a foal's maturing process and everything that happens within those steps. Great detail is involved in order to help a newcomer to the horse industry. Some examples of are which vaccines and worming programs to use and what medications are available for what illness. This would be extremely helpful to a foal owner that is new to the whole experience of raising a health and productive horse.

McGowen, Stanley S. "Horse Sweat and Powder Smoke: The First Texas Calvary in the Civil War." The Journal of American History 87.3 (2000): 1042-43. The Civil War was the first war in the United States, which the men that rode horses were armed with sabers and trained to fight in different areas. The author focuses mainly on the regiment named the Texas Mounted Rifles. This regiment was based from the First Texas Calvary. These men were different form all the other regiments because of the fact that they were mounted yet were still trained to fight infantry as well as cavalry. The essay mainly gives lots of information on the Civil War and the men involved.

Poulin, Robert. "Species Richness of Parasite Assemblages: Evolution and Patterns." Annual Review Ecological System 28 (1997): 341-58. The effects that parasites have on the communities in which they are involved is the main concern. Whether the effects are good or bad is still left up in the air. The vast majority of the essay is discussing different conditions in which the effects of the different types of parasites are changed and altered. This essay comes to no conclusion in which there is a deciding factor to which answers if parasites are helpful or harmful to their communities. The body of the essay largely consists of facts and information giving opportunity to the reader to make their own conclusion to whether the parasites are good or bad. The essay would be helpful to someone looking for scientific facts.

Righton, Barbara. "All the Sad Horses." Maclean's 116.6 (2003): 38-39. Today, horses can be found by the hundreds, old, crippled, badly trained and starving, at a country auction northeast of Toronto. It mentions that horses were once treated with tremendous respect and love and now they are treated like scum all over the United States. The article also mentions the stock prices concerning horses, which has dropped significantly. The reason for the drop of stock is not mentioned. The author expresses her grief and pain for the horses very well in the writing. It is very obvious that she is an animal lover. This would be a great essay for anyone interested in the treatment of animals and their general well being.

Rotella, Mark and et al. "Rediscovering the Great Plains: Journeys by Dog, Canoe, and Horse." Publishers Weekly 29, Oct. 2001: 44. At first blush, a contemporary crossing of the plains of Western Canada on foot, by boat and on horseback seems a grand and epic adventure. A man who is traveling across the Great Plains using canoes and riding horse back is the plot for this article. It says that this seems only natural yet it is exceptionally modest. I presume most people do not choose to travel this way anymore what with modern transportation. The trials and tribulations of his journey are recorded which include swarms of mosquitoes and other annoying creatures. This would be a good essay for someone interested in traveling through the Great Plains.

Schafer, Michael. An Eye for a Horse. Canaan: J.A. Allen & Co Limited. 1980, 181-202. The criteria of conformation of the ideal horse are described; the add up to be the model animal we all have in mind, but they constitute, if present, no guarantee of performance. All the different parts of the horse are labeled and described as to what the ideal horse should look like. These parts are then broken down into three separate parts of the horse's body and then further noted on what happens within these sections of the horse. The three sections consist of the forehand, the middle, and the hindquarters. This would be a very informative book for a person looking to buy a horse, so they would be able to pick out the best looking horse in their price range.

"Stop Horse Slaughter." Save the Horses. 1998. 22 Feb. 2003. http://www.savethehorses.com  This tremendous victory on behalf of our loyal horses made history and would not have been possible without our help. The entire process of slaughtering an innocent horse is mapped out step by step. It is proven to be a horrendous and unspeakable course of action that most Americans are not aware of. It seems that this group of people have done everything in their power to get this appalling procedure prohibited and they have succeeded. With the work of this organization, horse slaughtering is now banned in the state of California. True it is only one state, but it certainly is a start. To learn about the grueling particulars in which horse slaughtering entails, I highly suggest this website.

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