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by John Richard Stevens
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English Discourse in Composition:
vol. 1 issue 1, February 2003
vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003
vol. 1 issue 3, December 2003

English Discourse in Research:
vol. 1 issue 1, March 2003
vol. 1 issue 2, April 2003
vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003
vol. 1 issue 4, November 2003
Human Cloning: An Annotated Bibliography, by Khanh M. Ensign, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Equality and Self-Ownership: An Annotated Bibliography, by Jennifer Borgerding,English Discourse in Research vol. 1 issue 3 October 2003

Preserving a Threatened Culture: An Annotated Bibliography, by Kristin Carlson, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Problems With Communication In Male/Female Dating Relationships: An Annotated Bibliography, by Sarah Diamond, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Physician-Assisted Suicide and Active Euthanasia: An Annotated Bibliography, by Courtney Garroutte, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Organ Sales: An Annotated Bibliography, by Vernon Grant, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Corporate Globalization: An Annotated Bibliography, by Vanessa Gullett, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Whistle-blowing and Enron: An Annotated Bibliography, by Heather Hails, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Smoking in Public Places: An Annotated Bibliography, by Sarah Jacques, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Animal Rights: An Annotated Bibliography, by Savannah Kraich, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Stem Cell Research: An Annotated Bibliography, by Kara Lawson, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Electronic Employee Monitoring: An Annotated Bibliography, by Lisha Liu, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Egg Donation: An Annotated Bibliography, by Beth Merrifield, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Human and Animal Cloning: An Annotated Bibliography, by Erica Roberson, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Xenotransplantation Ethics: An Annotated Bibliography, by Kristen Sievert, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Arguments of Cloning: An Annotated Bibliography, by Jay Soulek, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Privacy: An Annotated Bibliography, by Stefani Warmack, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Cloning: Friend or Foe? by Jamie Beeghley, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

Self-Ownership's Many Sides: A Bibliographic Analysis , by Jennifer Borgerding, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 3, October 2003

Native Americans Today: A Rebirth of Pride, by Kristin Carlson, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

Gun Control: An Impact On Today�s Society, by Laci Dalton, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

An Overview: Human Cloning, by Khanh M. Ensign, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

Corporate Globalization: The Emerging Trend, by Vanessa Gullett, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

Whistle-Blowing: Enron and its Employees, by Heather Hails, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

Smoking in Public Places: A Bibliographic Analysis , by Sarah Jacques, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

Animal Rights Activists: Are They Overreacting? by Savannah Kraich, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

Electronic Employee Monitoring: A Bibliographic Analysis , by Lisha Liu, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

Human and Animal Cloning: Medical Breakthrough or Problem? by Erica Roberson, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

Xenotransplantation: Is It Ethical?, by Kristen Sievert, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

Converting Peer Pressure: A Bibliographic Analysis , by Patrick Smith, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

Legalizing Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide: Self-Determination or Unethical Practice?, by Lettishia Smutny, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

The Right to Privacy: A Bibliographic Analysis, by Stefani Warmack, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 4, October 2003

The American Bison: Involvement with Environment and Human Culture, by Rachel Reece, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 2, April 2003

Bald Eagle: Many Struggles for Survival, by Jennifer Ogden, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 2, April 2003

Global warming: Undeniable Dilemma, by Andrew Bryant, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 2, April 2003

Tree Conservation: An In Depth Analysis, by Agnes Opara, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 2, April 2003

An Overview: The Cattle Industry, by Chad Lattin, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 2, April 2003

What Happened to the Buffalo?: Bison Present and Bison Past, by Mary Ryals, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 2, April 2003

Wheat Farming: A World Wide Production, by Rebekah Shanahan, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 2, April 2003

The Effects of Hemp and Fiber Production: An Ecological Study, by Geoff Sites, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 2, April 2003

The Cattle Industry of the Great Plains: An Annotated Bibliography, by Chad Lattin, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 1, March 2003

Forest Conservation, the Truth on Human Indignation: An Annotated Bibliography, by Agnes Opara, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 1, March 2003

Horses and the Great Plains: An Annotated Bibliography, by Caitlin Foster, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 1, March 2003

Global Warming, A Danger to the Earth: An Annotated Bibliography, by Andrew Bryant, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 1, March 2003

The Greatness of Plant Life in the Great Plains: An Annotated Bibliography, by Jordan Sauceda, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 1, March 2003

What Happened to the Buffalo?: An Annotated Bibliography, by Mary Ryals, English Discourse in Research, vol. 1 issue 1, March 2003

Patenting Genes: Who Owns This Body? by Jennifer Borgerding, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003

Our Bodies: Permission Granted, by Katie Coakley, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003

Genetic Patents: The Future in Biotechnology, by Laci Dalton, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003

The U.S. Patent Code and Gene Patenting: A Turn for the Worse, by Khanh M. Ensign, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003

Self-Ownership in the New Millennium: Laws That Slow Us Down, by Eric Fredrick, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003

Patents: Friend or Foe? by Courtney Garroutte, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003

A Battle of Ownership: The Road to Mapping a Body, by Vanessa Gullett, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003

Scientific Patents: Should There Be More Regulations? by Sarah Jacques, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003

Gene Patenting: Why Is It Being Allowed To Occur? by Tyler Latta, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003

Gene Patenting: Issues of Controversy, Finances, and Morality, by Kara Lawson, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003

Genetic Patenting: Who Should Be Responsible For the Effects? by Beth Merrifield, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003

The Patent Question: Who Really Owns Their Body? by Kristen Sievert, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003

Patents: When Will We Stop, What Has Already Gone Too Far? by Lettishia Smutny, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 2, September 2003

The Dust Bowl: Could it Happen Again? by John Russell Pursell, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 1, February 2003

The Dust Bowl: From Roaring Twenties to Dirty Thirties, by Mary Ryals, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 1, February 2003

The Western Frontier: Forever Lost to the World, by Agnes Opara, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 1, February 2003

Days of the Dust Bowl: Was it Just a Waste of Time?, by Caitlin Foster, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 1, February 2003

Agricultural Capitalism: An Environmental Disaster to the Plains Region, by Geoff Sites, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 1, February 2003

Physician-Assisted Suicide Leads to Health Care System Reorganization: Does Either Socialization or Privatization Provide Equal Access?, by Courtney Garroutte, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 3, December 2003

Xenotransplantation: Preparing to Save Lives, by Kristen Sievert, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 3, December 2003

Intellectual Property: The Right to Privacy, by Stefani Warmack, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 3, December 2003

Is Internet Privacy a Private or Public Matter: How Commercial and Government Policies Violate Privacy, by Talan Weaver, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 3, December 2003

Sherron Watkins: Effectiveness Reconsidered, by Heather Hails, English Discourse in Composition, vol. 1 issue 3, December 2003

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