How to Earn the Extra Credit Bonus (3% total)




I offer these bonus points to assist students in developing skills in time management and organization.



There cannot be any late turn-ins of assignments that require a submission. submissions must be made ten (10) minutes or more prior to class on or before the due date, or the submission is late, per late work policies on the course syllabus. When class time expires on the due date the paper copy is late.



1.    Unfailingly make the submission ten (10) minutes prior to class on the due date for every assignment of the semester that requires a submission, and they must be done as a MS Word doc or docx file. Use the �file upload� method on the submit screen. You will be instructed during class about how to create a account, and how to turn in your work.


2.    On, there is a separate drop box link for each assignment. You cannot submit an assignment to the incorrect drop box, or I cannot determine the time of day it was submitted. Turn them in a day early and a submission to the wrong drop box will not count against you.


3.    The Individual Research Project Presentation must take place.


4.    You must take the Bibliographic Analysis Essay Exam, and the Final Examination.


5.    Have no more than four or less absences; absence for any reason is an absence. I do not take doctor�s notes, nor is any other type of documentation accepted. Remember that three (3) late arrivals to class is equal to an absence; arriving five (5) minutes or more late is equal to an absence; leaving early is equal to an absence.


6.    Any sort of plagiarism negates the possibility of extra credit.


7.    A grade of 59% or less on any major project negates the possibility of extra credit.


8.    Must have a midterm grade of �C� or higher.


1.    The course grade after the final examination date expires must be a grade of �C� or higher.


2.    Miss no more than two peer revisions, and two cannot be missed for the same major project.


3.    Miss no more than two discussion questions/observations. Remember that if you are absent from class no turn-in of discussion questions/observations is required.


4.    Technology-related problems are not a valid excuse for late turn-in. This includes the possibility of my website going down, which is extremely rare, and if goes down. Basically, access all electronic materials from my website well in advance, and do the submission the day before the due date, and you will never have a problem.




Here are the assignments that require submissions:


         The five major projects, which include the following: Personal Response Essay, Connections Essay, Annotated Bibliography, Bibliographic Analysis Essay, Argumentative Research Essay.


         The minor assignments, which include the following: all Personal Writing Papers; all Academic Prose Papers.




The upshot is that extra credit is reserved for students who demonstrate much excellence in the professionalism and seriousness associated with being present in class, and being unfailingly prepared for class.







1.    If you have a problem with Personal Writing Paper #1 it will not count against you, for it may take one submission to get the hang of the system. Still, it must be turned in by one week from the due date.


2.    You may have one other late turn-in of either a Personal Writing Paper or an Academic Prose Paper, but it can only be one class period late.





Remember two things when submitting files to


1.    There are two submit buttons that must be clicked. The second one is a confirmation that reads �Yes, submit.�


2.    Check your e-mail. If you do not get a confirmation from then it has not been submitted.



Note: Final course grade cannot exceed 100%